
Referee Coach In Practice app now in Apple and Google Play stores

The first app in a collection of match official training tools has now been released in the Apple and Google Play stores! Either search the store on your device or browse to this page on your device and click the appropriate link below: This app presents the content of the ARU's Rugby Referee Coaching in Practice book and organizes it in a way that you can use it to self assess a game of rugby that you have refereed. Every game you referee is an opportunity to learn and improve. With or without a referee coach, you can review your game and prepare for the next one. How to use this app: Choose an element of the game of rugby (tackle, ruck or maul, scrum, advantage, restarts, lineout) that you would like to review. You can only review one element at a time. Choose events that happened in your game. Select events tha...

Welcome to Match Official Brain Training

In all sports, match officials learn on the job. It's almost impossible to fully prepare to officiate without participating in actual games. Saying that, teams often don't take well to match officials that are learning, they just want a good referee all the time. So how do you get 'good' in this seemingly 'Catch 22' situation? Match officials typical prepare themselves physically using similar training techniques as players, and mentally prepare by revising the laws of the game - but this is not enough to become a good match official. Decision making whilst under physical stress and whilst in the pressure of a game situation, is significantly different to when you are calmly sitting on the couch! Any way that a match official can incorporate decision making and physical and mental fatigue into their fitness training, will help them prepare for real games. Match officials must also learn from their real game experiences. Game reviews are important for matc...